ACT! for Palm OS® - Features & Benefits
Powerful features and benefits make this a must have tool for
people on the move...
Five Key Reasons to purchase ACT! for Palm OS
Carry complete customer information with you
Store multiple addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, websites
and more for each contact - so that you can track every activitythat
has taken place, with each of your contacts whilst you are on the
- For each contact synchronise over 60 ACT! fields
including 15 user defined giving you all the information you require
for that contact.
- Keep time and data-stamped notes on each contact notes from
conversations, meeting details, thoughts and more.
- Automatically create and view contact histories as you complete
activities that have taken place with your contacts
Instantly access contact and activity information
Access all your contact information from one easily accessible
place, have easy access to notes, histories and sales opportunities
directly for the contact record. ACT! for Palm allows you to view
your complete ACT! database whilst you are out of the office.
- Log future and completed activities for each contact.
- Easily customise the contact list display to show contact name,
company, phone number, title, e-mail and more.
- Simply click on any contact to see all associated notes, activities,
histories, and sales opportunities.
Stay on top of your schedule with ease
Manage your working day with full diary features, a task list
and reminder functions. All are linked to your contacts, meaning
you arenever more than a few steps away from the full history of
your dealings with that contact. You need never call the office
for information again!
- View daily, weekly and monthly calendars.
- Get important reminders with pop-up alarms.
- Clear an activity to record a history and easily schedule a
follow-up activity.
Meet your sales goals with confidence
Manage your sales pipeline with easy to use opportunity tracking
tools that allow you to manage and monitor your sales pipeline.
It can instantly tell you the status of each customer order and
highlight any discrepancies. Enter new sales opportunities quickly
by selecting from customised drop-down lists. ACT! for Palm is
a vital tool in improving your salesforce effectiveness and communication.
- Run built-in sales reports from ACT! Express or
ACT! 6.0 desktop.
- Close sales opportunities on your PDA.
- Optimise time away from the desk by increasing the number of
customer and prospect visits and therefore the number of sales
Complete integration with ACT! Express or ACT! 6.0 desktop
Complete integration with ACT! Express and ACT! 6.0 allows you
to keep the desktop and your device in sync with field level synchronisation.
Always have the most up-to-date information on all your contacts
all of the time, by managing accounts efficiently using the same
groups and sub groups contained on the desktop and importing contacts,
activities and tasks from your Palm desktop.
- Always have the most recent changes regardless
of where you entered them, with field level synchronisation.
- Enjoy your groups and subgroups on the Palm for easy management
of account-based activities.
- Use built-in reports on the desktop to quickly summarise sales